
:: Happy Birthday ::

Happy Birthday To Double J ….
Happy Birthday To .. US !!


Yea.This two young ladies.
Jesmyn. Uhuh.that’s me.
and Joey. My Babe !!

How we came out abt this double j bday thgy ..
remember ?! haha
add up both our bdays.
02.02 + 08.03 = 10.05

We have knew each other since .. form1.
Till now .. almost 6years rite ?!

we experience lotsa thgs 2gthr.
curse ppl to fall down.
gossip like siao.
laugh at ppl.
chase ppl around the school.
run around.
lying down on the school field.
chat on the phone till early in the morning when ppl come and distribute newspapers. LOLX
urgh..lots of thgs lar…ish ish ..

and..u know me.
im not those that is good at telling very touching stuff.
hehe.u know me well.

Just wana let u know.
I’m grateful to have a friend like u.
without u .
nobody laugh . sing . gossip . with me.
i appreciate our friendship.
Although sometimes we have some conflicts
do have arguments.fights.*not pulling each other’s hair of cz*
do dont talk to each other for quite sometimes.
do leave other alone sometimes.
but. hey. i hope this is for us to understand each other better.
U noe me de lar.
i admit i’m a very straight foward person.
super blur person too.
sometimes i do and say the wrong thgs.
So.i wana say sorry for anytg i did that had hurt u.
Sorry anytg i said or did wrongly lar.


u intro me to a bunch of great and nice people!!

friends that i met when i wasnt with HIM.
U Guys were those who are alwiz with me when im not with HIM.
and yes.i admit i once totally forgotten about HIM.


NIu Year 2
HIM !!

the very first guy who sang to me.
yes.i was touched.tears nearly roll down that time.
he is really someone. GOOD.
his voice is really great.
girls out there. grab him. =/ lolx.
Who dun appreciate him is really a DUMB ASSSSS !!!!!!
someone STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!!!

next ..

HIM !!

Brotha.My dear brotha.
yes.super tall guy. nice guy.
although he sometimes is emo.
but..gor..love ur lectures!!
any problem. i’ll go to him de.
and again. gurls out there.
single and available !! grab grab .



HIM !!

Okay. This Guy.
Diagnosed with HJNC disease.
urm..owh.for ur info.
thats Jay.Chou disease.
instead of H1N1 or H5N1..blablabla.
a big fan of jay chou.
and .. this guys. is a 万人迷
he himself has lots of fans too eh….!!
dun play play arh..
siu mui mui out there..
yes.again.Grab him fast too…XD

See babe !! U had intro such great friends.

So..it has be 6years .. and
Still Counting On rite ?!

Thanks for being with me ALWAYS during my grate times.
and of cz also my SAD times…yeah babe?
I’m happy that u were alwiz here.
ur a good listener.
be with me during my hard times.
thanks for ur shoulder to let me cry on.
* u know what i mean. *
thanks for ur helping hand.

thats all for this post !!

peace out people !!

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