Mommy come to visit u again !!
Hrm . Okay .
Went to Uni as usual.
Positive Psychology Lesson.
Aww..i really love lar !!
class conducted by her will be vry noisy ..
uhuh .. like my cute lil. friend. Ms.Liyana.
She talk a lot 1...but of cz things that makes sense..lolx
Ms.Bing asked us to list out 10 important elements in life.
What do you think it's the 10 important stuff in life.
See what i wrote . lolx
1. family
2. money
3. friends
4. food
5. happiness
6. entertainment
7. internet
8. clothings
9. knowledge
10. shelter
okay.she then asked up to cross out five !! lolx
ur friend her happily crossed out 5 and left with this.
haha...see..crossed out clothes,entertainment,shelter,knowledge,happiness
then.we nid to cross out another 3 again.
i struggled bwtn internet and money.
which 1 to cross out?
i left with
and then we have to cross out another 1 more......=.=
eh .. its diff to make a choice !!
finally i made up my mind ..
Family is my choice !!
without my family ..
i wont have all the other 9 important elements...!!
after this activity .. gave us another 1 again. lolx
we have to move around the class.
get to know new friends.
get 5 person to interview.
we have to ask that 5 person " What Do U Like About Me ? "
those who know me well .. will know that..
this is not a diff task for me. hehe. yala..basically im very talkative lar..rite?
Okay.. Ofcz i interviewed my good friend first lar.....kan ?! hahaah
and 5 person interviewed me too lar...>.<
well .. let's see what they said.
* yup.she is a malay girl !! a very nice and cute one..compared to other malay girls i met before..seriously..she is a really nice and special one !! *
said : - * yup.she is a malay girl !! a very nice and cute one..compared to other malay girls i met before..seriously..she is a really nice and special one !! *
> ur funny
> ur easy to get along with
> ur nice
> ur friendly
>ur open minded.
Ms. Angeline
*well.she is an indian. i don't know her really well actually. we talked actually is just for the sack of getting the interview thgy done.lolx.but.hey.she's nice!!*
said : -
> ur cute
> ur weird * haha.i know i am *
> friendly
> sweet * aww..u too lar *
> good looking * lolx..thanks !! although i know im not *
* aww..i really have to introduce her here lar!! she is one of my special friend !! Guess what .. she is from Botswana. Somewhere in South Africa. its always good to make friends from all over the world lar.rite?! i have to update my friend list already !! haha . i have a special friend. happy getting to know her. *
* aww..i really have to introduce her here lar!! she is one of my special friend !! Guess what .. she is from Botswana. Somewhere in South Africa. its always good to make friends from all over the world lar.rite?! i have to update my friend list already !! haha . i have a special friend. happy getting to know her. *
said : -
> clever * not. haha *
> positive * haha ... as in thinking i guess. *
> friendly
> beautiful * again.thanks. but i don't think i am lar.. *
> kind * hey.thanks !!! *
* i prefer calling her what lyana said.haha.yes. another special friend.! she is from jakarta !! she is just like an elder sis to me.! mature...=) nice !! *
* i prefer calling her what lyana said.haha.yes. another special friend.! she is from jakarta !! she is just like an elder sis to me.! mature...=) nice !! *
said : -
> sweet
> kind
> cute * aww,ur cute too*
> caring
> open minded.
* haha.the only guy in my list!! Owh.he is so so fair. !! even my skin is darker. =.= . me and liyana thought he was from middle east or sumwhr...until i asked him.only i knew he was from KENYA !!! wow !! so fair skin eh !! what u eat arh !?! i wana be like u lar........ *
* haha.the only guy in my list!! Owh.he is so so fair. !! even my skin is darker. =.= . me and liyana thought he was from middle east or sumwhr...until i asked him.only i knew he was from KENYA !!! wow !! so fair skin eh !! what u eat arh !?! i wana be like u lar........ *
said : -
> friendly
> kind
> comfortable * as in .. ? haha blurr... *
> look smart * yes !! definately only LOOK smart.but NOT smart. *
> trendy * lolx.seriously i duno why he said that. i only wore tee + shorts + slippers to uni today. lolx ... but .. thanks anyway.
Uhuh.That's the 5 of them that interviewed me and i interviewed them.
I will take them as compliments.hehe.and of course be humble at the same time lar...XD
I'm happy that i was enrolled here. although its really lonely sometimes. what liyana said.
U never walk alone. im happy that u said this gurl. least when i'm at class..
i can forget about things.or i should say Put those things aside.
i can just put aside what YOU said..what YOU told me.
put aside what i was frustating about.....
* u know what i mean joey babe and YOU . if ur reading my blog *
Later on. I went for lunch with liyana @ the Mc.Donalds down the hill.
yes.we chat a lot. haha. this is my first time having someone with diff religion as i have .. as my good far can say that i'm closest with her lar .. oh ya.not forgetting Sasha , Sarah and Elyna too.
Oh Oh..and a bunch of guys from the psychology class came and ask us out for lunch.lolx
ofcz we dint go lar..haha
Owh . and guess what. I met my bro ter-sayang Mr.Simon Hor.
he was with his group of friends.haha.
and i repeat again. His friends are really nice!!
when i was buying my meal. he came beside me.
lolx.took out a rm10 note. and gave it to me.
lolx...blur lar..why on earth. he said treat me since he met here wor.
lolx.ofcz i won't take it lor.tak baik lor.
he said treat me to thank me for the M.U tee. lolx
eh bro.....dun nid lor.that is a bday gift for u okay.....
and u met me here doesnt mean that u have to treat me de lor..
i havent pay u back for that herbal tea that day when u drove me for lunch lor....
he quickly ran and left the rm10 at the counter with me. =.= cute lar u ah kor..
and ofcz i chased him and gave him back lar..
his friends were looking at us running .. iyor .. so embarassing lar omg..
collected our food and sat down with liyana.
yes.we chat alot again !! lolx..its like..non stop!!
later on my dear brotha simon came and sat down with us.
lolx. crapped. as usual and he left after awhile..hehe
seriously. ah kor is nice.very caring .. =) since me and ah kor is in the same
jesmyn tan siu mui mui is well taken care of by ah kor in uni. =)
Okay.Went back to cochrane with joey. and edmund.
lolx.sorry jimui for keep u waiting for so long
the 2pid shuttle bus lar . waited for so darn friggin long.
and i tot i nid to fetch u frm ur hse mah
later on yumcha awhile kat Jusco. then sent joey back home.
well..thats all. 2mlw have to attend business and office app. classes
peace out people!! mux
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